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Our Savior's Evangelical Lutheran Church in New Hope  was established a congregation of the reorganized Norwegian Synod in January of 1922. Our Savior's is the third of three Norwegian Lutheran churches in the small rural community of Benson Corners - New Hope, WI. The congregation emerged from the North New Hope Lutheran Church and South New Hope Lutheran Church.

This church body began informally in 1917 at the split between the old and reorganized Norwegian Synod. 
After years of holding services in members' homes and rented spaces, the congregation concurred that it was time to act. In November of 1921, our congregation - including members from New Hope, Scandinavia, Nelsonville, Alban, Rosholt and Iola - drew together. On January 2, 1922we stepped out in faith. Our Savior's Evangelical Lutheran Church in New Hope became a member congregation of Norwegian Synod of the American Evangelical Lutheran Church (now known at the Evangelical Lutheran Synod - ELS).

After years of meeting in rented rooms of area churches and being hosted in the homes and yards of area residents, the congregation decided to build its own home in the Township of New Hope. A half-acre apple orchard at the junction of State Hwy 161 and Cty T became the site of Our Savior's Lutheran Church. Our building was dedicated on July 10, 1927 and our cemetery was dedicated the same year at the junction of Cty Hwy T and Trout Creek Road.
There are many more points of congregation history, faith community events and personal memories that took place. They will be recorded in an upcoming church history publication: A Century of God's Grace in New Hope. See below for more information.
A century after coming into being, the congregation has drawn regular weekly worship to a close in a Celebration of Public Ministry on March 13, 2022. The pastoral and administrative work of the congregation goes forward through the date of sale of our building on Hwy 161 in Benson Corners - New Hope - Amherst Junction is sold. And the ministry of the congregation will continue on by God's grace through the legacy of our shared contributions within church friends and families, the community of New Hope and the ongoing global ministry of the ELS.
Our history is your history. God's family, please reach out.
Contact Rev. Greg Haugen or Pat Haugen about things such as the following:
  • Our church's written history publication
  • Our Savior's Cemetery information
  • ELS congregation records - baptisms, weddings, confirmations, funerals
  • Flower cuttings from the church or cemetery perennial flower beds.
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Rev. Greg Haugen
(920) 685-0319
Our Savior's Facebook
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from Numbers 6:22-27

'The Lord bless you and keep you; 
The Lord make His face shine upon you, 

And be gracious to you; 
The Lord lift up His countenance upon you, 
And give you peace.'

A Century of God's Grace in New Hope

Our Benediction

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The story of Our Savior's mirrors the evolution of Norwegian immigrant experience in central Wisconsin, told through the lifecycle of a rural Norwegian Lutheran congregation. A publication of  our history is being completed to shares photo, memories and historical events of this faith family in Benson Corners - New Hope - Amherst Junction, WI, beginning with its roots in early immigration through its last years in the early 21st century.


The publication is slated for completion in the spring of 2022. Check for updates, release of completed material, a link to the finished publication on our Facebook page.

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Pastor: Greg Haugen, phone: (920) 685-0319

US Mail: use Pastor's home address - 1725 Dublin Trail #71, Neenah WI 54956

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